Questions people ask…
How Can We Test the Reliability of the Bible?
How Can We Test the Reliability of the Bible? What can we use to evaluate whether the Bible is true? After all, if the Bible is not reliable, then how do we know what to believe about Christ and what He taught or did? Below are some of the tests people have used to...
Did God Use Evolution in His creation?
Did God Use Evolution in His creation? No, God did not use evolution in His creation. God told us how He created in the historical text of the first chapter in Genesis. God is all powerful who spoke His creation into existence. And God said, ”let the land produce...
Are mutations a driving force of evolution?
Are Mutations/Random Variations A Driving Force of Evolution? To the evolutionist, mutations or random variations are a mechanism for pond-scum to people evolution. Mutations are changes in the DNA strand. More technically, mutations, are random changes in the...
Does the Fossil Record Show that Evolution is True?
Does the Fossil Record Show that Evolution is True? No. Scientists have found what they claim was a fossil of a 15 million year old bat. A few years later they found another fossil of a bat they dated at 70 million years old. Both fossils look exactly like a modern...
Can the Truths of Christianity be Proved with 100% Certainty?
Can the Truths of Christianity be Proved with 100% Certainty? This is one of those rare questions with two answers. Yes, Christianity can be proven to be true, but no, not with 100% certainty. We need to look closely at the nature of proof. The key is not a perfect or...
Did God Use the Big Bang in His Creation Process?
Did God Use the Big Bang in His Creation Process? No, God did not use the big bang. How God created was written as history, witnessed by God himself, in the first chapter of Genesis. The big bang, however, was never seen by anyone and what was not seen is quite...
Two separate creation stories?
Are there two Separate Creation Stories in the Book of Genesis, One in Chapter 1 and the Second in Chapter 2? In Genesis 1:26-27 it appears God created man and woman together. In Genesis 2:19-22, it is said God created woman at a certain time after man. Also, it...