If God Created Everything, Does that Mean He Created Evil?

If God Created Everything, Does that Mean He Created Evil? Evil is not something that can be created, evil is something brought upon someone in rebellion against a holy God. Satan was puffed up with pride and rebelled against God, thus bringing evil upon himself. You...

Was Noah’s Flood Local or Worldwide?

I have always been taught the flood of Noah’s time was a worldwide flood. But I am hearing it was a local flood. Was my Sunday School teacher wrong? No need to worry, your Sunday School/Second Hour teacher is correct. Let’s look at God’s Word, the Bible for an...

Dog Breeds Are evolution at work, right?

I have a Golden Retriever, my parents have a Cocker Spaniel, and my neighbor across the street has a Beagle. That is evolution at work, right? Let’s make sure we are defining the word evolution correctly. In the area of life sciences there is macro evolution and micro...